8 steps to boot usb drive from cmd

Hi guys whats up?? I am here with new article to boot windows os like windows-7, 8, 10 from your usb drive. May be you have tried some third party software to boot usb isn't it? Ok lets come to our points, by installing os from usb drive is little faster than installing from CD/DVD-drive. To make your USB drive bootable you have to follow these steps:

**Warning** : While performing these all your Usb is going to be formatted so i humbly request you to backup all important data from usb.

Step 1: Press Window+R which will open Run Dialog box and type "cmd" (without quotes) as shown in figure below.

Step 2: A cmd will open and you have to type diskpart. If it ask for user permission click on Allow/Yes.

Step 3: Insert your Usb drive and type list disk which will shows all attached disk on your pc, as shown in figure below.

Step 4: Now you have to be very careful while selecting disk because our next step to clean disk which will delete your partition. If wrong disk is selected all data on that disk will be erased. Disk 3 is my usb drive as shown in figure above and below.
Step 5: Look at the step 4 picture carefully and type following commands sequentially.

  1. select disk N (Where N is your usb disk number)
  2. clean
  3. create partition primary
  4. active
  5. select partition 1
  6. format fs=fat32 quick (fat32 is not recomended you can also use ntfs instead of fat32)
  7. assign
  8. exit

Step 6: Now you are almost done now insert your windows os CD/DVD, But if you have ISO image then extract it. After completing all open folder named "Boot" in explorer as shown in figure below, and press shift key+right click of mouse and click on "Open command prompt here". We are doing all of this is to update bootmgr in our usb disk and by default it is stored in boot folder.

Step 7: Now type bootsect.exe /nt60 X: (Where X: is your assigned Usb disk letter) as in figure below. Mine is J: but it may different in yours.

Step 8: After all process you have successfully updated bootmgr in your Usb drive. Now copy all data contains of Windows OS in your usb. And your USB is ready to boot :)